Public Hearing
13dec7:15 pm7:15 pm Public HearingTown Hall, 211 Central Ave
Event Details
NOTICE is hereby given that on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 7:15 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building for the Town of Tazewell (“Town”), located at 211
Event Details
NOTICE is hereby given that on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 7:15 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building for the Town of Tazewell (“Town”), located at 211 Central Avenue, Tazewell, Virginia, the Tazewell Town Council and Town of Tazewell Planning Commission will hold a JOINT PUBLIC HEARING, pursuant to Virginia Code §15.2-2204, Town Charter Sec. 3-8, and Town Code Sec. 23-6, to provide the citizens of the Town an opportunity to be heard with respect to a proposal for the Town to amend Chapter 23, “Zoning”, of the Code of the Town of Tazewell in order to add to the current list of definitions for words and phrases found in Town Code Sec. 23-1, and to eliminate one use and to supplement the list of permissible uses identified in Town Code Sec. 23-26 for properties located in Residential, General R-2 Districts. No changes or amendments to the current zoning map are being considered.
Copies of the proposed Ordinance amendments are available for review and inspection during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) at the Town of Tazewell Municipal Building, as referenced hereinabove. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Zoning Administrator Chris Hurley at (276)988-2501 at any time Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Below are the proposed amendments to the existing ordinance.
Chapter 23
Sec. 23-1. Definitions. (amended)
Children’s residential facility. Any child caring institution, foster home, or group home that is licensed by or in contract with the Department of Social Services, or is operated in coordination with the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Virginia and is maintained for the purpose of receiving children separated from their parents or guardians for full-time care, maintenance, protection and guidance, or for the purpose of assisting and supporting the development, continuation, and sustainability of community-coordinated, child-abused services. Children’s residential facility shall not include:
1. A licensed or accredited educational institution whose pupils, in the ordinary course of events, return annually to the homes of their parent or guardians for not less than two months of summer vacation;
2. An establishment required to be licensed as a summer camp by §35.1-18 of the Code of Virginia, as amended;
3. A licensed or accredited hospital legally maintained as such; and
4. Any facility licensed by the Department of Social Services as a child caring institution as of January 1, 1987, and that receives no public funds.
Foster home. A residence approved by an accredited child placing agency or local board of the Department of Social Services in which any child, other than a child by birth or adoption of such person or a child who is the subject of a power of attorney to delegate parental or legal custodial powers by his parents or legal custodian to the natural person who has been designated the child’s legal guardian pursuant to Chapter 10 (§ 20 166 et seq.) of Title 20 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and who exercises legal authority over the child on a continuous basis for at least 24 hours without compensation, resides as a member of the household.
Group home. A children’s residential facility that is a community based, home-like single dwelling, or its acceptable equivalent, other than the private home of the operator, that is and serves up to 8 residents.
(all other definitions identified in this section remain unchanged)
Chapter 23
Sec. 23-26. Use. (amended)
(3) Rest Homes
Children’s residential facility, foster home, group home
(all other uses identified in this section remain unchanged)