Joint Public Hearing
11feb7:15 pm7:15 pm Joint Public HearingTown Hall, 211 Central Ave
Event Details
Pursuant to Virginia Code Sec. 15.2-2204 (Repl. Vol. 2018) and Sec. 23-6 of the Code of the Town of Tazewell, Virginia, NOTICE is hereby given that on Tuesday,
Event Details
Pursuant to Virginia Code Sec. 15.2-2204 (Repl. Vol. 2018) and Sec. 23-6 of the Code of the Town of Tazewell, Virginia, NOTICE is hereby given that on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 7:15 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building for the Town of Tazewell, located at 211 Central Avenue, Tazewell, Virginia 24651, the Town Council and the Town Planning Commission will hold a JOINT PUBLIC HEARING to provide the citizens of Tazewell, Virginia an opportunity to be heard with respect to a proposal to amend Section 23-1 (“Definitions”) of the Code of the Town of Tazewell, specifically concerning the definition addition for “Shipping Container” to the Town Code.
The full text of the proposed amended Ordinance is available for review and inspection during normal business hours at the Town of Tazewell Municipal Building, as referenced hereinabove.