Joint Public Hearing
09apr6:45 pm6:45 pm Joint Public HearingTown Hall, 211 Central Ave
Event Details
NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 6:45 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building for the Town
Event Details
NOTICE is hereby given that on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 6:45 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building for the Town of Tazewell (“Town”), located at 211 Central Avenue, Tazewell, Virginia, the Tazewell Town Council and Town of Tazewell Planning Commission will hold a JOINT PUBLIC HEARING, pursuant to Virginia Code §15.2-2204, Town Charter Sec. 3-8, and Town Code Sec. 23-2, to provide the citizens of the Town an opportunity to be heard with respect to a proposal for the Town to amend Chapter 23, “Zoning”, of the Code of the Town of Tazewell in order to revise the zoning map classification for properties located in areas at or near Hillsboro Drive and Coral Drive; and properties located in areas at or near Cosby Lane, Park Avenue and Advantage Drive. The proposal requests the identified properties be re-zoned from their current Agricultural, General A-1 classification to a revised Residential, Limited R-1 or Residential, General R-2 classification, dependent upon the type of structures currently located in the areas as indicated above.
The general usage and density range of the proposed zoning classification amendment will be Residential, General, with a range of 2 – 5 dwelling units per acre, or Residential, Limited, with a range of 0-2 dwelling units per acre, which would reflect a change from the current range of one permitted use for every twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, to 0-2 dwelling units per acre, or 2-5 dwelling units per acre, gross, with the usage and density range as set forth in Part VI of the Comprehensive Plan for the Town being low density residential.
A copy of the proposed Ordinance amendment (map revision) and a listing of the individual tax map parcel numbers of the affected properties are available for review and inspection during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) at the Town of Tazewell Municipal Building, as referenced hereinabove.